Erlich Bachman, the Ultimate Fashion Icon of HBO Silicon Valley TV show.
With a collection of T-Shirts that make the envy of every science geek and wannabe tech billionaire in the making.
Here are some…
Then some more that we will explore one by one.
Maybe in some kind of order from the coolest, funniest and/or nerdiest?! Whatever.
1- “HOW YA LIKE MEOW” Cat with Glasses T-Shirt
Maybe not his most popular shirt but a personal favorite nonetheless. I love cats and all animals.
2- I Know H.T.M.L. (How To Meet Ladies) T-Shirt
This one is a classic nerdy shirt. Eh, wait a minute… Just like many other on this list.
3- Nintendium (Nintendo Periodic Table) T-shirt
Nerdy with a touch of vintage nostalgia. The good old days of the Nintendo video game. When Playstation was just a distant rival…
Crypto nerd extraordinary tee shirt. Billionaire Bitcoin maximalist / evangelist Michael Saylor probably wears one under his dress shirt.
5- NEVER FORGET Floppy Disk T-Shirt
Just like the Nintendo tee, this one is another wonderful vintage / nostalgia artifact of the nerdom.
This one is orange with yellow text on it. The joke was so “great” that they needed to make another shirt with it.
7- Low Battery / Low Energy T-Shirt
Personally, this is the bland one of the list of cool Erlich’s shirts.
Please, keep your shirt on.

What do you think?