Halloween Cottage

Halloween Cottage (March 3, 2025)

“There’s been million-seller books and million-seller CDs… But there hasn’t been, until now, million-seller art. We have found a way to bring to millions of people, an art that they can understand.” — Thomas Kinkade, The Painter of Light™

My rendition of the famous Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage.

Thomas Kinkade’s Christmas Cottage, is also the name of his self-produced movie about himself released in late November 2008. The semi-autobiographical story examines the motivation and inspiration behind his most popular painting, The Christmas Cottage.

Thomas Kinkade's Christmas Cottage

Maybe I will watch it someday.

According to Kinkade’s company, one in every 20 American homes owned a copy of one of his paintings

In 1994, his company, Media Arts Group Inc., was traded on the NASDAQ then on the NYSE (ticker symbol: MAG) making Kinkade the only Artist to be a small-cap equity issue. It is estimated his business brought in $100 Million in revenue annually.

At his height, in 2001, Kinkade generated $130m (£81m) in sales. Kinkade’s paintings are sold by the million through a network of Thomas Kinkade galleries, owned by his company, and through a parallel franchise operation. At their peak (between 1995 and 2005) there were 350 Kinkade franchises across the US, with the bulk in his home state of California.

“The Company has created the first art-based lifestyle brand in America with Thomas Kinkade.”

“Thomas Kinkade lifestyle brand” is defined by the several themes that propagate throughout the works. To extend beyond traditional art products and into a comprehensive lifestyle brand, these themes are packaged with the concept of “light” and the image of the male artist-genius. This positions Thomas Kinkade in the role of teacher and spiritual leader and allows a diversification into products beyond the image.

Furthermore, Kinkade sealed a tie-in with La-Z-Boy furniture for a Kinkade-inspired range of furniture.


It seem, that Thomas Kinkade was too talented and commercially $uce$$ful to be recognized by art galleries and museums.

They actually despised him.

The Most Hated Artist You Probably Recognize

My opinion:

Personally, I do really admire his technical abilities, the Beauty and flawless execution of his ArtWorks, and his commercial success.

They called him a “mass producer worse than Andy Warhol” because he sold prints of his paintings?? Unlike Warhol who was merely the CEO of an Art Factory, Kinkade’s paintings were all done by himself with his own hands. No “assistants” actually created his original Artworks. Unlike Warhol, Koons, and Hirst.


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