WWE Kevin Federline “America’s Most Hated” T-shirt

Kevin Federline AKA Britney Spears ex-husband wore a “America’s Most Hated” shirts for his WWE appearances in 2006-2007

Britney Spears Kevin Federline sex tape video. PYGear.com
Kevin Federline’s greatest claim to fame was to be
married with Britney Spears but soon divorced two years later.

K-Fed’s intention was to promote his album Playing With Fire by starting a feud against John Cena…

Kevin Federline WWE vs John Cena. PYGear.com
Kevin Federline vs. John Cena

John Cena vs Kevin Federline. PYGear.com

Yes, on Raw January 1, 2007, the skinny ex-Britney Spears’s husband Kevin Federline DEFEATED John Cena 1-2-3 in a downright ridiculous no-disqualification match.

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Who really won and became a platinum selling rapper?


K-Fed SUCKS. PYGear.com
A 16,000 copies flop…

All of his WWE appearances did little to help K-Fed’s record sales; despite his prediction of selling half a million copies, Playing With Fire went on to sell 16,000 copies and his tour was cancelled. For comparison, pro wrestler and one-time rapper John Cena’s rap CD You Can’t See Me has sold 1.346 million to date… K-Fed probably did more money from his WWE appearances than from his album sales.

John Cena platinum selling rap album. PYGear.com
A platinum selling success of 1,34 million copies!

It seem that K-Fed was really the “America’s Most Hated”.


K-Fed Playing With Fire bust. PYGear.com




Source: http://www.wrestlecrap.com/inductions/kevin-federline-vs-john-cena/

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