I’ve named it Satans Schlongs by PYGOD Spring/Summer 2021 since the Satans Schlongs Art Project started around a Fashion Brand. My personal unique Artworks to put on clothes.

And as I’ve explained in a previous post, Haute Couture Streetwear has two collection drops (seasonal releases) each year featuring 50-70 garments each.
One in January (Spring/Summer) and one in July (Fall/Winter) of that year.
Keeping that in mind, my Spring/Summer (Printemps – Été in French) collection has to be made of Artworks that I’ve made the year before. From July 1 to December 31.
Same thing for my Automn/Winter (Automne – Hiver in French) collection has to be made of Artworks that I’ve done from January 1 to June 30.

Printemps/Été Collection: Monday to Thursday of the last week of January. Made from Artworks created from July 1 to December 31 of the previous year.
Automne/Hiver Collection: Monday to Thursday of the first week of July. Made from Artworks created from January 1 to June 30 of the same year.








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