“I’m fine.” bullet wound T-shirt as worn by James Altrucher
James Altrucher is a self-made multimillionaire writer (who made and lost a couple of fortunes as an entrepreneur and investor), a genius, a renaissance man and a free-thinker.
He paid a friend to get rid of all his belongings. Including his college diploma that goes into the trash can. College, in most case, is a waste of money anyway.
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James Altrucher 15 Possessions:
- 2 pairs of chinos pants
- 2 sweaters
- 2 wrinkled button down shirts
- Buy T-shirts and underwears every few days at pharmacies.
- A pair of shoes
- Laptop
- Cellphone (which he never answer and has no voicemail) His phone number is 203-512-2161. Try it and see.
- iPad mini (with the Kindle app with all his book in it)
- a ziploc bag containing his money
- $4000 in $2 bills for tip.
- 1 small canvas carry-on black bag to carry his clothes
- 1 backpack to carry his laptop, phone and iPad.
It’s a total scam… Nobody should put more than 5 to 10 per cent of their portfolio, their assets, in any one investment. But when people buy a home, they go crazy. They put like 50, 60, 70 per cent of their net worth into this one investment. It’s illiquid, so when times are hard, you can’t sell it.
— James Altrucher about home ownership
He doesn’t own nor rent homes. He lives exclusively in Airbnbs and in friends’ appartments. Since it’s ludacris to tie down most of your net worth in one illiquid investment.
It goes without saying that he doesn’t own nor rent a car since he doesn’t even have a driver’s license.
He doesn’t have medical insurance. Haven’t visit a doctor in the last 30 years.
Never owned a credit card. Consequently, a low credit score since he doesn’t partake into the credit card and debt scam.
I am a homeless man with no address, with some failures and some successes and no possessions.
— James Altrucher
A hobo with money
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The other dude with 15 things.

Andrew Hyde 15 things list (not including socks and underwear)
- Arc’teryx Miura 30 backpack
- NAU shirt
- Mammut rain jacket
- Arc’teryx tshirt
- Patagonia running shorts
- Quick Dry towel
- NAU wool jacket
- Toiletry kit
- Smith sunglasses
- Wallet
- MacBook Air
- iPhone 3GS
- NAU dress shirt
- Patagonia jeans
- Running shoes
Counting chargers as part of an item (iPhone, iPad, Camera).
Extreme Minimalism
The average American household has 300,000 items.
Damn! We buy so much shit we don’t need without even realising it!
The wannabe minimalist that isn’t one.
My two cents,
I consider myself to be some kind of minimalist but my prepping and hoarding tendencies have the better of it.
However I can say that my wardrobe (actually the few things I wear) is actually minimalist. Maybe, not really, since I own a ton of clothing that I don’t wear. Most that I will probably never wear again.
Let’s start with what I wear:
- 4 pairs of pants. Black leather pants for winter; an old beat up pairs of jeans for fall and spring; two identical light Wrangler cargo pants for summer. I have several pairs of jeans that I didn’t wear or never wore.
- 3 pairs of footwear. Steel toed boots with removable ice stud-set for winter; steel-toed work shoes; flip flop for the hot summer days.
- 4 embroidered PYGOD.COM polo shirts. I try to only wear two of them, my identical favorites.
- 4 jackets. An Alpha for the winter; a 15+ years old bomber jacket; a jeans jacket; a PYGOD.COM windbreaker that I also wear indoor at home.
- Two long johns for winter, six long sleeves thermal shirts that I wear under my polo shirts.
- The mandatory 10+ underwear shorts and dozens of socks of all kind.
- A chullo (Peruvian hat). Perfect for winter.
Several branded clothes – my business PYGOD.COM. I only wear my own stuff. Why would I do free advertising for another brand or band than myself?
- Dozens of tees and at least 5 sweatshirts/hoodies, all branded pygod.com.
- 264 items into the PYGOD Collection (musical collection). Mostly cassettes, dozens of CDs, and about ten vinyl records. I don’t plan to use any of them in the future.
- Hundreds of books. Most I’ve never read. Not all books deserve to be red. But why the fuck did I bought them in the first place??!!??
My 15 things.
- Computer. Keyboard. Mouse. Printer. Yes, I know. I cheat a little.
- Computer eye glasses. Mandatory for me, even on the rare occasions I watch TV. I actually own another pairs in spare.
- Chair.
- Desk.
- Lamp.
- My agenda + 4-color bic pencil. Wouldn’t want to live without it. I’ve always used one each year for as long as I can remember.
- 1.5 liter water bottle(s). I use three of those daily. I like my water to be warm and near me.
- Big bowl and tiny spoon. To eat my one-meal-a-day meal of 3 cups of raw oatmeal, 3 scoops of protein powder, fresh fruits, lactose-free yogourt, some fruit juice and lactose-free chocolate milk hand-blended into an heavenly tasting mug of joy and happiness. I always eat the same thing every morning and I’m ready to go all day. An everlasting 24-hour intermittent fasting. One meal a day is ideal to be productive and tame my love for food. A tiny spoon just to try to make the pleasure last forever. Haven’t succeeded yet!
- Sweatpants/Underwear/Socks combo. My daily work attire.
- PYGOD.COM polo shirt/long sleeve underwear combo. I wear that all year round, except in hot summer days.
- Fingerless wool gloves. My hands are almost always cold.
- Slipper shoes. I only wear them indoor.
- PYGOD.COM windbreaker. I wear it inside and outdoor.
I can forget my gold jewelry.
I hope my diamond stud earring, tongue and navel piercings aren’t considered as 3 items.
Ask yourself what would be your 15 possessions?
Sources and related links:
Similar case of 15 items extreme minimalism.