Marilyn Monroe + Charles Manson = Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Monroe Charles Manson Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson Smells Like Children poster


Marilyn Manson = Marilyn Monroe + Charles Manson

Each member of Marilyn Manson has his name from using the first name of a sex-symbol with the surname of a serial killer. The name it’s created are greats but the photos, not so much. But creepy for sure.

I’ll let you judge by yourself.


Marilyn Monroe Charles Manson Marilyn Manson
Marilyn Manson (Marilyn Monroe + Charles Manson)


Olivia Newton Bundy
Olivia Newton Bundy (Olivia Newton-John + Ted Bundy)


Sara Lee Lucas
Sara Lee Lucas (Sara Lee + Henry Lee Lucas)


Daisy Berkowitz Marilyn Manson band
Daisy Berkowitz (Daisy Duke + David Berkowitz)


Twiggy Ramirez Marilyn Manson band
Twiggy Ramirez (Twiggy + Richard Ramirez)


Ginger Fish Marilyn Manson band
Ginger Fish (Ginger Rogers + Albert Fish)


Gidget Gein Marilyn Manson Spooky Kids
Gidget Gein (Gidget + Ed Gein)


Zsa Zsa Speck
Zsa Zsa Speck (Zsa Zsa Gabor + Richard Speck)


Madonna Wayne Gacy
Madonna Wayne Gacy (Madonna + John Wayne Gacy)


Mine would be Jenna Voorhees. Jenna Jameson as the sex-symbol and Jason Voorhees as the serial killer. What’s make a better sex-symbol that someone you’ve jerked off (a lot) to?! Porn stars are sex-symbols by excellence. And Jenna Jameson is a no-brainer for me. But my choice for a serial killer wasn’t so obvious. My first choice was Ted Bundy as he is most likely the sicko wacko I know of. Much more gruesome and disgusting than any fictional horror movies slashers. Nonetheless I’ve chosen a fictional mass murderer, Jason Voorhees.

Real-life serial killers are more gruesome than horror movies slashers. But horror movies have way cooler masks and weapons. Style over substance, I guess!


Jenna Voorhees = Jenna Jameson + Jason Voorhees.
Jenna Voorhees (Jenna Jameson + Jason Voorhees)


Which would be yours?





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