Tag Archives: music video

📺 Today in History: MTV went on the air

August 1, 1981, MTV goes on the air, bringing music videos to the masses –...

Nikki Sixx Mötley Crüe Est. 1981

In 1981, four young musicians came together to form the band that would become known...

MAKE MUSIC GREAT AGAIN – Let’s Go Brandon – Loza Alexander

  MAKE MUSIC GREAT AGAIN hat – Let’s Go Brandon – Loza Alexander LETS GO...

Red Cross shirt worn by Sandra Nasić Guano Apes Big In Japan

Red Cross shirt worn by Sandra Nasić of  Guano Apes in Big In Japan music video....

Motorhead Lemmy ‘SLUT’ T-shirt in Ramones music video

Motorhead Lemmy ‘slut‘ T-shirt in Ramones video. For a better view of the famous ‘slut‘...