Tag Archives: meme

Words Can’t Describe How Handsome You Are. But Numbers Can

Words can’t describe how handsome you are. But unfortunately for you, numbers can. You’re a...

Subtitles are movies’ boobs📺👀

I can’t remember Susan Sarandon being that chesty.

Sorry You Were Ever Born

With a face like that. I can understand. 😂🤣

Sucking dicks for money?..

Stay in school… The struggle is real. If you doesn’t want to end up sucking...

MONEY is Calling – Accept or Ignore jacket meme

MONEY is Calling Accept Ignore [amazon box=”B09XFJ415G”] 👕 T-Shirt Store 👈 🤣 Blog (Meme Dump)...

Cool Story Babe / Now Make Me A Sandwich shirt cringe duo

Who could resist these two heartthrobs?  


Beauty and the Beast edition 💰💘