Tag Archives: meme


You’re welcome!

Joe Biden buying crack for his son

Yes indeed grandpa. Hunter Biden is one hell of a hellraiser!!!

Yes I Got The Job – Capitalism Baby

There’s some truth in it!

Why Are You Dressed Like That?

Dress like the INternet CELebrity aka INCEL Influencer

💰$500,000 for a Face Tattoo😱

for $500,000 would you get your significant others name tattooed on your face like this?...

Don’t Cyberbully Me I’ll Cum shirt

dont cyberbully me ill cum shirts

Ranked Competitive Sex

Casual sex implies the existence of ranked competitive sex.

Suicidal Reckless Devil-May-Care Painter 😧

I’m afraid of heights. I shitted my pants just seeing this one. 😧

Woman Kidnaps Scientist To Make Her Dog Immortal

Should this be a crime though? 🐶