Daily (May 24, 2024) Daily

Today’s Bombastic new MeMes to warm your heart and piss your pants!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ

AOC Tying Her Hair for blowjob

I wouldn’t refuse a blowjob from AOC. Whether you like her or not. She’s hot!

Why Are Things Expensive?

Megacorporations near-monopolistic control.

๐Ÿ’ The same idea with different design

What’s the difference between a mouse trap, a wolf trap, and a wedding ring?ย  The...

Die Hard (Death Erection)

A death erection, angel lust, rigor erectus, or terminal erection is a post-mortem erection, technically...

Would You Tell Her – Ripped pants exposing a disgusting butt crack ๐Ÿคฎ

Her disgusting and infected butt crack needs medical attention. Personally, I would run away!ย 

๐Ÿคต Antoine Cheval, The Man Who Married Himself ๐Ÿ‘ฐ

May looks foolish but certainly wiser than people who get married to each other since...

Topless car wash

Not what I expected… ๐Ÿ˜–

Your Stepdad’s Wife Is So Hot WYD

I was so mesmerized by her body that I’ve seen the two cocaine lines on...


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