Joe Weider gay porn mags Adonis 1955

Joe Weider was earning more money on homosexual pornography than he was earning on his bodybuilding magazines

Canadian bodybuilder and entrepreneur Joe Weider and his brother Ben Weider created, edited, and published the bodybuilding magazine Your Physique starting in 1940, but later branched out into publishing several physique (gay porn) magazines in the 1950s and 60s, including Adonis, Body Beautiful, The Young Physique, and Demi-Gods. Unlike other prominent publishers, Joe Weider was heterosexual. Ben Weider was rumored to be a closet homosexual. They employed Hal Warner, a gay man, to edit several of his physique publications. Who cares!

  • Adonis (1954) Produced by Montreal-based Weider Organization, and published in two simultaneous editions from London and Jersey City. Edited by Hal Warner.
  • Body Beautiful (1954) Produced by Montreal-based Weider Organization, and published in two simultaneous editions from London and Jersey City. Edited by Hal Warner.
  • The Young Physique (1958) Large-format color magazine founded by Joe Weider, featured drawings by George Quaintance, and creative sets designed by the gay photographer James Bidgood.
  • Demi-Gods (1961) Large-format glossy magazine, published and edited by Joe Weider. Incorporated into Muscleboy in 1963, but reappeared as a separate publication some years later.

Judging by the covers, these mags were targeting a gay audience. A very bold move in the 50s and 60s.

As stated in Muscle, Smoke, and Mirrors book, the Weider bros were earning more money on homosexual pornography than they were earning on their bodybuilding magazines. But they supposedly had to stop publishing to audacious mags after facing a lawsuit by the “League of Decency“?!

Mr. America and American Manhood — were unusual hybrids as it combined elements of a bodybuilder magazine, a men’s adventure mag and a gay-oriented male pin-up mag.

The three kind of mags published by the Weider Publications Inc.

Bodybuilders and male fitness models doing Gay for Pay still is prevalent today.

Fitness Models Gay For Pay (NSFW)

Gay for Pay pro bodybuilders (NSFW)

In the 1950s and 1960s, Joe and Ben also published men’s pulp adventure mags, like Fury, Outdoor Adventures and Safari, and at least two heterosexual “skin” mags, Jem (a rival to Playboy) and Monsieur. Both Jem and Monsieur featured topless girls and clashed at least twice with obscenity laws.

Joe Weider vs Hugh Hefner

Weider would go on to found several major American fitness magazines in the 1980s, including Flex (a favorite of mine), Men’s Fitness, Men’s Fitness, Shape, Fit Pregnancy, Living Fit, Prime Health and Fitness, Cooks, Senior Golfe, and probably more.

Aside from their publishing empire, the Brothers of Iron founded Weider Nutrition (NYSE: WNI) in 1936, created an equipment company, a food supplements company. They created courses, books, and the most prestigious bodybuilding contests. And they became both multimillionaires along the way.


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