I Play The Guitar Tom Morello shirt is Tom Morello guitar secret

Tom Morella I PLAY THE GUITAR shirt. PYGear.com
I Play The Guitar Tom Morello shirt. PYGear.com
Yes, he does!
  • Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine started playing guitar at the late age of 17.
  • As a late starter, he believes in the Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 Hour Rule (10,000 hours of “deliberate practice” are needed to become world-class in any field).


Tom Morello I Play The Guitar shirt. PYGear.com
His secret is so obvious, it’s on his t-shirt.


“And then my obsessive compulsive disorder took over and I began practising four, six, eight hours a day 365 days a year while pursuing a political science major at an Ivy League university.”

“There was a time I would practice 8 hrs a day, every day. 2 hrs just technique & scales, 2 hrs music theory, 2 hrs learning songs & writing songs, and 2 hrs just jamming along with random radio stations and improvising over chord progressions.”



Tom Morello I Play The Guitar tee shirt. PYGear.com
Tom Morello guitar secret is written on his shirt. 

Now you know Tom Morello guitar secrets.

  • Play the guitar
  • Play the guitar
  • Play the guitar
  • And play the guitar some more.
I Play The Guitar T-shirt as worn by Tom Morello of RATM. PYGear.com


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