How to Look Like Lemmy Motorhead

How to Look Like Lemmy Motorhead


NOBODY in their right mind would want to look like Lemmy from Mötorhead. So here’s how to avoid the pitfalls as Lemmy gives us a rundown on his fashion style:

HAIR: I don’t ever get my hair cut, I just wait for it to split!

T-SHIRT: I’ve collected T-shirts for years, I’ve probably got about 300 now. This one, I swopped in America for an English one.

JACKET: This is a 1980 tour jacket from Motorhead’s Ace Up Your Sleeve Tour. It’s definitely my favourite thing. it doesn’t matter how many clothes I’ve got – I always end up wearing this.

TROUSERS: I had these made up by a tailor in London – they cost about £30. They got ruined at Donnington – they were so caked in mud I had to be chiselled out of them!

BOOTS: I got these white boots from Kensington Market for about £35. I’ve got about ten pairs. Thing is, I always wear my right boot out first – so I’ve got loads of good left boots and no right boots!

BELT: This is a chrome cartridge belt that I got back in ’75 for £6 from a band called The Wild Angels.

JEWELLERY: I wear a ring on all my fingers, except the second finger of my right hand, because that’s unlucky. They all came from The Great Frog in Carnaby Street as did the sword round my neck.

Lemmy Fashion Style

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