Brad Pitt in Fight Club

Probably the ideal man physique to make all the chicks wet.  Everybody talk about how Brad...

Resolutions Gym

I’m opening a gym called “Resolutions”. It will have exercise equipment for the first two...

Tired of being fat and ugly… Just be ugly (GYM ad)

What about being a UFO! (Ugly Fat Old!) 👀 BOOBS 👈 👕 T-Shirt Store 👈...

🏋️‍♂️ Bro Do You Even Lift – Nope I Own A Boat 🚤

Who give a fuck about lifting anyway… When you own a boat and a shitload...

When you do 2 push ups and eat a Flintstone Vitamin

Featuring pro wrestler Lex Luger

Joe Weider vs Hugh Hefner

Weider’s smut magazines: Jem, Monsieur, and Fury Two of my idols fighting each other. No,...

Betty Brosmer, Joe Weider’s wife

The highest-paid pin-up of the 1950’s and early Supermodel. Betty Brosmer, “the Most Gorgeous Body...

Fitness Models Gay For Pay (NSFW)

The Muscle & Fitness Lifestyle has his price! Being able to train twice a day,...


Joe Weider was earning more money on homosexual pornography than he was earning on his...

Gay for Pay pro bodybuilders (NSFW)

GAY FOR PAY?? How common is it really in the world of Bodybuilding? IFBB Pro...

Batista entering the casino vs Batista leaving the casino

Dave Bautista explaining his weight loss (YouTube video) Even though Bautista’s current height and weight...