Why Do We Pay Taxes?

So we don’t get arrested.  True!

TMNT Pizza Party meme

Fuck’ Em Both 2024 United States Presidential Election 2024. Democrat or Republican = same old...

JOE BIDEN is just Hillary Clinton with a smaller dick

Joe Biden Is Just Hillary Clinton With A Smaller Dick

👀Politician Going Viral

Easy to understand why this chesty politician made waves in the Parliament.😍

College Graduates dumping communism

Exactly! Embracing capitalism.

POTUS vs Elon Musk

What more shocking to you?  POTUS 44-46 wasting your money or  Elon Musk spending his...

Taxer C’est Voler

L’impôt et les taxes c’est du vol! TPS / TVQ Impôt Fédéral Impôt provincial Taxes...

Winston Churchill on tax

For a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing...

Hillary Clinton loose hole

Hillary Clinton loose hole vs Chloe Grace Morentz tight hole. The world according to Bill...