Category Archives: ROCK N’ ROLL

Girls like this will let you do Cocaine off their butthole

👀 BOOBS 👈 👕 T-Shirt Store 👈 🤣 Blog (Meme Dump) 👈

AC/DC Bon Scott with 4 groupies

Bon Scott looked so fuckin’ dead drunk that I don’t think he was any good...

Steel Panther Feel The Steel – 15th Anniversary June 8, 2009

Steel Panther ‘Feel The Steel’ 15th Anniversary Celebration JUNE 8th, 2009 – 15 years ago...

Mick Jagger – You don’t need to be beautiful to screw tons of chicks

MICK JAGGER SCREWED 7,000 WOMEN Here’s for my French Canadian friends. MICK JAGGER A COUCHÉ AVEC...

Kurt Cobain heroin fix kit

This was Kurt Cobain heroin kit used to feed his $400 a day habit. Seriously,...

Kurt Cobain suicide note

R.I.P. Kurt Cobain (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994) Kurt Cobain was right on...

The Most Debauched “Rock Star” Ever

Number 1 for giving us the most awesome “rock star” pics ever. Drum roll…. Seth...

The Difference Between Your 20’s And Your 40’s

🧐🪙🪙 My two cents: We don’t get blind and crazy because we grow older. What’s...