Category Archives: MUSIC

Mick Jagger – You don’t need to be beautiful to screw tons of chicks

MICK JAGGER SCREWED 7,000 WOMEN Here’s for my French Canadian friends. MICK JAGGER A COUCHÉ AVEC...

Kurt Cobain heroin fix kit

This was Kurt Cobain heroin kit used to feed his $400 a day habit. Seriously,...

Kurt Cobain suicide note

R.I.P. Kurt Cobain (February 20, 1967 – April 5, 1994) Kurt Cobain was right on...

The Most Debauched “Rock Star” Ever

Number 1 for giving us the most awesome “rock star” pics ever. Drum roll…. Seth...

Anal Cunt Fuckin’A album

ANAL CUNT (definition) Fans of strippers, hard drugs, punk rock production and cock rock douchebaggery,...

Will Skate For Food – Jason Lee

Jason Lee, now a famous actor, was formerly a professional skateboarder from 1980-1992. Lee was...

The Difference Between Your 20’s And Your 40’s

🧐🪙🪙 My two cents: We don’t get blind and crazy because we grow older. What’s...

Ozzy Osbourne COCAINE Fiend

Ozzy Osbourne cocaine bag circa 1984