Category Archives: MEMES

The Future of Dating with Robots 🤖

I would choose a Robot over a woman for sure.  As long as there is...

Diddy Action Figure

Coming to all local stores this holiday season. Diddy action figure with a bottle of...

Powerball Winnings = Hookers + Cocaine

When asked “What would you do if you won the Powerball ($1.6 Billion jackpot)?” “A bunch...


“True happiness comes from snorting coke off a hooker’s ass.” — Dalai Lama Powerball Drawing...

Hookers and Cocaine Golf Resort

Golf resort offers guests copious amounts of cocaine, free alcohol, and hookers. Oh my god!...

Don’t move it too much

Don’t move it too much — They tried but it went wrong 😆 (@TriedWrong)...

Pro-War US Govt

If you’re under 21, you can’t drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. BUT, if you’re 18,...

Uncle Moe Lester

He certainly had the look, the name, and the touch 🖐️

🎃 Spirit Halloween Port Union Boss costume

Spirit Halloween memes are back!!!