Category Archives: MEMES

Unsafe Bag – This Bag Contains A Gun A Bomb A Very Large Knife And Loads Of Drugs tote bag

Ideal carry-bag for the airport, the shopping mall, school, bank, train stations and government buildings....

Hot Chick Big Boobs Hard Nipples at KFC

Well, not slogan tee but too hot to ignore. Who’s the Busty KFC Chick?  ...

One Night Stand Halloween Costume

Grandpa dressed as a one night stand for Halloween   Join the Community!

Sorry Girls I Suck Dicks shirt

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Amy Willerton ‘YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US’ shirt

‘YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US’ shirt as worn by English TV presenter / Miss Universe...

Get Along Shirt Meme

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Redneck meme – This home doesn’t call 911

Probably the worst redneck meme ever. All the ingredients are there: Ginger mullet Very bad...

She’s on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and Heroin

She’s not on MySpace anymore. 🤣   Join the Community!

PORN STAR shirt as worn by a granny

PORN STAR shirt as worn by a grandma who looks like a dude. 😂🤣  ...