Category Archives: MEMES

Bigfoot Wisdom 🤣

KNOWLEDGE is knowing Bigfoot is real WISDOM is wanting to fuck him 🤣  

One Peek Won’t Hurt 👀

Who wouldn’t watch?  

Workplace Reality ⚒️

Managers managing managers managing managers. Dave gonna be fired at the next cut of staff....

The Turtlesuit – turtleneck suit 🐢

We should sell this one very soon.  

Target used as a… target 🎯

One down, a million to go 💣  

Homosexuality was a phase (Tim Dillon ungayed by a woman)

“Homosexuality was a phase.” — Tim Dillon ungayed by a woman Is being “ungayed” is...

How Do You Poop? 💩

If your pick is 0. It requires some explanation.