Category Archives: MEMES

Batman Bat Bong

Batman + 420 =

Old Age Douchebags

At a Corvette car show.

Bottle vs Mirror vs Condom

A lifetime of bad luck…

🐱 The Cat Owns The House 🏠

That’s why the word homeowner has “meow” in it. 🤓

The Nascar appeal

I never understood what was the appeal in F1 and Nascar… 🧐  Maybe the appeal...

Keith Richards on his way to the New World

🏴‍☠️ Summer 1492 😂

VAPING Instead Of Sucking Dick In Public

Sorry to all my hipster friends (do I have any?), but this hipster meme was...

Redneck Word Of The Day: Budweiser

Your girlfriend has a nice ass budweiser face so ugly?

57 minutes left with the Escort

“Sex plays a very small part in what we do… But that sometimes only lasts...