Probably the ideal man physique to make all the chicks wet. Everybody talk about how Brad Pitt was lean and muscular in Fight Club (1999). But actually, Brad Pitt was at one of his lightest weight ever in his adult life. Brad Pitt weighed around 153-160 lbs at 6′ with 5-8% body fat, sporting around 14 inch arms at 35 years old. Pretty skinny sort of speak!
Brad Pitt’s body in Fight Club was voted the most sought after body by men in Mens Health Magazine
Brad Pitt’s body as Tyler Durden in Fight Club is often seen as the ultimate ideal man physique.
6 ft. tall, 155 lbs, 8% body fat, 14 inch arms
His stats are not that impressives. Any skinny ectomorph can have the same without ever stepping a foot in the gym.
But when your name is Brad Pitt, you’re an aesthetic god and you makes all the women wet.

In Snatch (2000), his body fat was up to approximately 8%.

At 40, Brad Pitt was a solid 185 lbs with around 12% body fat in Troy (2004). His usual bodyweight being 170 lbs.

While he was untrained and just plain skinny in his first breakthrough role in Thelma & Louise (1991)
In his first breakthrought film Thelma & Louise in 1991, Brad Pitt was just plain skinny and lean. Brad Pitt is a natural ectomorph and hardgainer, in other words he have a small-bones constitution and got an hard time gaining muscle as well as fat.

In real-life, Brad Pitt is far from being a gym enthusiast. He doesn’t like to train and got several unhealthy habits like smoking, drinking beer, and eating chips and junkfood. He workouts and diets just when needed for a movie role.
Many people see Brad Pitt’s body in Fight Club as the ultimate ideal physique for all means…
Women wants to fuck him and men wants to be him…
6 ft. tall, 155 lbs, 8% body fat, 14 inch arms, age 35
Is it so hard to be that “perfect”?
Not at all!
In fact, it’s really easy!
150lbs Brad Pitt Fight Club > any Mr. Olympia winner
An article on FoxHoundStudio reveals: “We’ve got Brad Pitt in first place with 72.5% of women finding his body the MOST attractive and 86.7% of women being attracted to his body… In last place with 1% we have three time Mr. Olympia winner Frank Zane…”
Unbelievable, Frank Zane is by very far the most aesthetic and sound after physique here!?!
150-pound Brad Pitt made more pussies wet than any Mr. Olympia winner!??!
Plain skinny seems to be better than muscular in the eyes of women!?!
Meanwhile men trains to look like Mr. Olympia. Ehhh… Sorry! Not true since Brad Pitt’s body in Fight Club was voted the most sought after body by men in Mens Health Magazine
The Brad Pitt Fight Club real no-bullshit “secret” diet & workout routine
Forget all the bullshit and way too long routines and complicated diets.
Getting a Fight Club Brad Pitt’s dream body is easily attainable with some work and dedication.
And there is absolutely no need to do a video about it. Only a couple of words and sentences are needed to expose the truth about Brad Pitt’s Hollywood Physique.
The truth is that you don’t even need to go to the gym to get the Brad Pitt Fight Club kind of physique!
All you need is to:
- Get a low body fat level from eating less aiming to be in caloric deficit. You don’t even need to do cardio. Just cuts your food intake as much as you can. If it doesn’t work. Starves yourself!
- Get some muscle mass from doing push-ups, sit-ups and pull-ups.
- Do not exercise your legs.
- No steroids needed. No supplements needed!
- Equipment required: less food in your fridge and a chin-up bar or a tree.
That’s it! You will even save money in your quest to sport the Brad Pitt Fight Club physique.
EVERYONE can do it naturally.
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