Tag Archives: punk

The Most Debauched “Rock Star” Ever

Number 1 for giving us the most awesome “rock star” pics ever. Drum roll…. Seth...

Anal Cunt Fuckin’A album

ANAL CUNT (definition) Fans of strippers, hard drugs, punk rock production and cock rock douchebaggery,...

Billy Idol was a real Rock Star

In 1989, Billy Idol held a 3-week long party in a Thai hotel. He apparently...

🥁 May is International Drum Month

Happy May Month to All Drummers Outta Here 🥁

Crust Punk Crack Pipe Ear Gauge

A very useful way to use your ear gauge.

Yes I Got The Job – Capitalism Baby

There’s some truth in it!

“An ORGASM Is Better Than A BOMB” Bernardo Bertolucci quote shirt as worn by Michael Pitt

“An orgasm is better than a bomb”. Michael Pitt, Bernardo Bertolucci quote.

GIRLS INVENTED PUNK ROCK shirt – Addison Rae 2023

Girls Invented Punk Rock shirt as worn by Addison Rae.  

Smells Like The Only Nirvana Song You Know – Nirvana Kurt Cobain

If you don’t know the answer. You missed a great musical and fashion era.