Tag Archives: metalhead

LesSS.ca #JoinSatansSchlongs PROPAGANDA Poster

Originally designed as a poster to introduce a shorter and easier to memorize url/domain name...

Tattooed Man wearing Satans Schlongs Colors

Satans Schlongs Colors (Full-Patch/Front & Back) T-Shirt.

A Flower T-Shirt (Satans Schlongs)

A Flower – Satans Schlongs T-Shirt

Highway to Heaven (Big Tongue) T-Shirt 😈

Highway to Heaven (Big Tongue) T-Shirt 😈

LesSS dotCa T-Shirt (Satans Schlongs)

Was originally designed as a poster to introduce a shorter and easier to memorize url/domain...

Jason Newsted Fuck Shit Up shirt

Fuck Shit Up sleeveless shirt as worn by Jason Newsted of MetallicA.

80s Thrash Metal Shoes 🤘🎸👟

Nike Terminator High Top Sneakers A Perfect Fit for Metalheads When thrash metal exploded in...

Thrash Metal

Thrash Metal is my favorite music style.  Thrash Metal is also extremely popular among the...

Paper Band Patches Kutte Cut-off jeans jacket

👕 T-Shirt Store 👈 🤣 Blog (Meme Dump) 👈

Trophy Metal Girl aka Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend

  👀 BOOBS 👈 👕 T-Shirt Store 👈 🤣 Blog (Meme Dump) 👈   Source:...

Metalhead 40 Years Later 🤘

Then with hair, now bald 😂