Tag Archives: martial arts

Ancient Chinese wisdom

Master, why if a guy have sex with a lot of women, he’s a fucking legend,...

Great Muta mist

The Great Muta’s green mist and his stiff martial art movements were just too good...

Kung Fu Ball Kicking gif

Too good to ignore! You’re welcome!

Which Martial Arts to use

Which Martial Art to use depending of your opponent Krav Maga Ninja Vanishi Karate Kung...

Koreans in the 80s vs Koreans now

You couldn’t be more badass than actor/martial artist/bodybuilder Bolo Yeung as Chong Li in Bloodsport...

What Is Your Special Move? (Street Fighter)

My Special Move is: Naked Stomp Of Rage

Frank hat NINJA EXPERT 30 Rock

NINJA EXPERT hat as seen in 30 Rock     🧢 30 Rock Frank Rossitano...