Tag Archives: guitar player


Acoustic guitar vs Electric guitar vs Mid-life crisis guitar

🎸 You Might Be a Guitarist if…

My favorite is: Your pet names are “Slash”, “Hendrix”, and “Page”.

Chris Jericho Van Halen NO BOZOS shirt

Chris Jericho is not only a pro wrestler sports entertainer extraordinaire. He is also a...

Eddie Van Halen NO BOZOS shirt vintage 1980s tees

Eddie Van Halen NO BOZOS shirt vintage 1980s tees            ...

I Hate Being SEXY But I Play The Guitar So I Can’t Help It

‘I Hate Being SEXY but I Play Guitar So I Can’t Help It‘ shirt as...

I Play The Guitar Tom Morello shirt is Tom Morello guitar secret

Yes, he does!   Tom Morello from Rage Against The Machine started playing guitar at...

SLASH / LEAD GUITARIST (groupies wanted)

Fergie not include   As worn by Slash the lead guitarist of Guns N’ Roses,...