Tag Archives: fine art

ART MODERNE. How Does This Make You Feel?

Title: Art Moderne Artist: PYGOD Medium: Drawing – Colored Pencils Description: My answer to all the stupidities I’ve seen...

🐵 Horny Ape Social Club | NFT (No Fucks Takens) 🐵

A parody of the uber-stupid, boring Bored Ape NFTs and the bland, unoriginal Anti Social...

AI Artists vs Renaissance Artists

Digital and AI art crap at its finest! See Real ART

Modern Artists vs Renaissance Artists

Digital and AI art crap is even worse. See Real ART

What The Fuck❓

WTF? LSD-inspired psychedelic fueled Art.  

The Last Supper x PYGear.com

Another fruitful PYGOD x Leonard da Vinci collab. Barely noticeable, but still there to ruin...

Salvator Mundi x PYGear.com

Salvator Mundi (Leonardo da Vinci). This is what a $500 Million painting looks like!!  

Mona Lisa x PYGear.com

Or maybe should we call it PYGOD x Leonardo da Vinci? I’ve got the easy...

Doing Weird Shit in the Name of Art.

When you think about “weird” and “shit”. Look no further than here. This Masterpiece named...