Tag Archives: feminist

Judith Slaying Holofernes (Artemisia Gentileschi, Florence)

Artemisia Gentileschi’s “Judith Slaying Holofernes” stands as a monumental testament to women’s empowerment, resilience, and...

Free Woman – This Is How Free I Am (naked, smoking, pissing, drinking wine)

👕 T-Shirt Store 👈 🤣 Blog (Meme Dump) 👈

The useless flesh around the Penis is called the Man

Men, women, vegans, meat eaters, conservatives, liberals, etc. We take no prisoners. 🏴 Nobody’s safe...

Male Feminist (Oppressed)

WTF is this? 😵

Make A Woman Cum For Once feminist T-shirt

Make A Woman Cum For Once (Red Font maga parody) feminist shirt.

Take A DUMP On HIM 💩

Take A Dump On Him inspired by the Britney Spears Dump Him shirt

RADICAL FEMINIST Emily Hampshire Schitt’s Creek

Radical Feminist sweatshirt as seen in Schitt’s Creek and worn by Emily Hampshire from Schitt’s...


Radical Feminist sweatshirt as worn by David Rose (Daniel Levy) in Schitt’s Creek (S03E04).

Tate McRae No Boyfriend No Problem T-Shirt

No Boyfriend No Problem T-Shirt as worn by singer and dancer Tate McRae.   Join...


Husband Beater shirt. An humoristic take on the notorious wifebeater tank top.   In the...

HUSBAND BEATER shirt Eve and Nelly

Fortunately Nelly never married her probably fearing to get his ass whooped by Eve. No...