Tag Archives: crap

2 Girls 1 Cup💩

2 Girls 1 Cup Netflix remake – Both Amber Heard and Mia Khalifa are method...

Construction Site Bathrooms

Does anyone else wank themselves silly in the toilets at work?

Never trust a fart💩

Shit happens!

Newborn Celebration Cake👶💩🍰

Fucking disgusting💩 but, I must admit, a piece of Art.🎨🤢🤮

How Do You Poop? 💩

If your pick is 0. It requires some explanation. 

Old people Mexican food (ass cleaning) meme 🤣💩

When you’re about to eat Mexican food and you know somebody else will clean your...

Confucius poop wisdom 💩

The wise man poops on company time. The foolish man waits until his break.   ...

Two Pieces Of Shit

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If I Was A Bird I Know Who I’d Shit On T-Shirt

A very good reason to wish to be a bird.