Tag Archives: cocaine

Guy Goes To Mexico To Kill Himself, Spends Week Doing Coke And Banging Hookers, Decides To Keep Living.

Traveled to Mexico to buy chemicals to humanely kill myself, bought a mound of cocaine...

The Most Debauched “Rock Star” Ever

Number 1 for giving us the most awesome “rock star” pics ever. Drum roll…. Seth...

Anal Cunt Fuckin’A album

ANAL CUNT (definition) Fans of strippers, hard drugs, punk rock production and cock rock douchebaggery,...

Your Stepdad’s Wife Is So Hot WYD

I was so mesmerized by her body that I’ve seen the two cocaine lines on...

Ozzy Osbourne COCAINE Fiend

Ozzy Osbourne cocaine bag circa 1984

🪦 Snorting Coke Off Rick James’ Tombstone 💯

I am sure it’s what he would have wanted!!😂🤣 

Motley Crue Reunion Tour

Just like the good old days with a ton of blow and a horde of...