An interesting take on the famous Got Milk? slogan. Artist: NekomattaCece   Even better than the...

Erlich Bachman costume Silicone Valley

This is actually a WOMAN dressed up as Erlich Bachman from Silicon Valley. Guess who’s...

Marilyn Manson & The Spooky Kids – Ted Bundy t-shirt

Is it Olivia Newton Bundy wearing a K is for KILLLER Ted Bundy T-Shirt?  ...

Marilyn Monroe + Charles Manson = Marilyn Manson

  Each member of Marilyn Manson has his name from using the first name of...

Britnee Chamberlain Serial Killers Tattoos Collection

From Sydney, Australia, Britnee Chamberlain looks like an attractive and smiling nice looking girl. But...

Kirk Hammett serial killer dolls | The Kirk Hammett Collection

As you can see, Kirk Hammett is an avid collector of toys, horror movies memorabilia...

The Saw Is Family | Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a horror movie franchise that has been terrifying audiences for...

“I Love SaTaN” t-shirts | Japanese Visual Kei Band

“I ♥ SaTaN” t-shirts   SaTaN is a Visual Kei band (Marilyn Manson-looking heavy metal/metalcore...

No LIVES Matter – Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Leatherface

What’s better than an horror special to celebrate Friday the 13th?! Let’s do it with...

WWE Nailz The Convict Halloween Costume

  Get Your NAILZ Convict / Prisoner Costume HERE         Get Your...